Online Registration

Registration for Session 1 is open March 1 - May 19

  • Registration for Session 1 Physical Education ENDS Thursday, May 1

Registration for Session 2 is open May 20 - June 25

  • Registration for Session 2 Physical Education ENDS Friday, June 6

Students register for ONE class

Orientation emails will explain how to register for additional classes


Please read through the Summer School Information  before registering

Summer School Information is available on the home page:

  • on the green bar on a desk/laptop

Arrow pointing to Summer School Information on the home page for PSD Summer School

  • or under the 3 menu bars in the upper right corner of a mobile device

Phone Menu in upper right corner

Registration will be through ParentVue in the Poudre School District Online Enrollment Account Access Login. 

Students can not register through StudentVue.

Please contact your school counselor if you need assistance in registering for classes. 

  • Parents will log in to the ParentVue system
  • Click on Registration in the upper right corner of the ParentVue Home PageRegistration ParentVue
  • Select the 2024-2025 Secondary Summer School Option
  • Follow the directions to complete the registration
  • NOTE: Session 2 registration opens May 20

    22/23 Summer Registration Selection

You will receive an automated email very soon after you have completed registration. 

If you do not receive a 'successful registration' email, please go back into ParentVue and make sure that you have completed all the steps and submitted it.

Enrollment in classes takes about a day after registration is received. 

This can be completed on a mobile device or a laptop/desktop, but a laptop/desktop will be easier.


PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.